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Superstar was founded in 1947 in the Netherlands. A Factory that produces Professional Aqua Face - and Bodypaint. Back in the days we produced those little crayons with fat based facepaint. Remember ....
Luckily things have changed. Now we produce Superstar Aqua Face- and Bodypaint. With more than 100 colours, produced according to EU Cosmetic Regulations, GMP and ISO 22716.
We are proud to help make the world more colourful. Will you help us? |
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Cantina Valdadige was born in 1957 from the will of a group of winemakers, who were strongly motivated by the exploitation of their land and to its agricultural development. During the years the cantina needed specialized professionals in order to follow all the phases of the wine-making process, from the wineyard to the cantina.
Always looking at the new techniques and especially about energy saving and environmental protection, in this years the cantina is experimenting with great success a new development of integrated plot, the so called “sexual confusion”, which let the farmers of the area to reduce significantly parasitic products, with a heat improvement of the life and terroir quality of the whole Valdadige, ensuring an excellent quality of the product . |
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Since years, the agency Immobilinea select the best proprieties to satisfy the needs for our clients with passion, competention and professionally. The agency has consultants, market researchers and professionals members of the role, industry experts.
Immobilinea, the leader agency in Garda, offer guarantees of seriousness and prestige, thanks to sales that in the last 10 years has exceeded 100 million euros, in a present at database with 2500 nominations |
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The Gardainterni store in Garda comes from the idea to offer a complete service to their customers: the furnishings, the lighting, the wallpaper, the draperies and the object all to create a unique and personalized atmosphere. |
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Il Gruppo Agsm ha posato la sua prima pietra nel 1898 fornendo alla zona industriale di Verona energia prodotta dalla sua centrale idroelettrica. Nel corso del Novecento è cresciuto con la produzione e distribuzione di gas naturale, la cogenerazione per il teleriscaldamento e la produzione da fonti rinnovabili sia per le imprese che per le famiglie.
Il Gruppo Agsm fornisce servizi essenziali e prodotti integrativi per il cittadino e per lo sviluppo delle imprese, degli enti e delle istituzioni del territorio. Tutela dell’ambiente e attenzione alle esigenze della clientela sono i principi guida del suo approccio con il libero mercato.
La nostra missione consiste nell’impegno al raggiungimento di risultati economici ed operativi che consentano la produzione e la distribuzione di ricchezza, garantendo nel contempo il rispetto delle diverse esigenze del territorio. |
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