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7th may
Given the protracted health emergency, the organization of the Italian Championship announces the suspension of the 2020 edition to a date to be allocated during the year, following the latest government decree in which it is reported (among other things) that "organized demonstrations, events and shows of any kind with the presence of the public are suspended, ... ", without specifying a deadline for this suspension period, which could coincide with the expiry date of 31 July, reported in the restrictive rules decreed by the Council of Ministers in the provision at the end of January. |
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12th april
IMPORTANT COMMUNICATION for the Italian Championship scheduled on 27/28 June 2020 The organization of the Festival is waiting for the evolution of the health emergency situation, and probable government directives regarding activities such as our, where are planned gatherings of many people for a short period of time. In this sense, with the Municipality of Garda, we have agreed to postpone every decision at the end of April, including the possibility of a postponement of the Festival in August or September. In any case, whether it is confirmed in June or postponed by a few months, the deadlines for the regulation are 'suspended', to redefine them according to the decisions that will be taken.
COMUNICAZIONE IMPORTANTE per il Campionato Italiano programmato il 27/28 giugno 2020 L'organizzazione del Festival è in attesa dell'evolversi della situazione di emergenza sanitaria, e di probabili direttive governative per quel che riguarda le attività come la nostra, nella quale sono previsti assembramenti di tante persone per un breve periodo di tempo. In tal senso, con il Comune di Garda, abbiamo concordato di posticipare ogni decisione alla fine del mese di aprile, compresa la possibilità di uno slittamento del Festival nel mese di agosto o settembre. In ogni caso, sia che venga confermato in giugno che rinviato di qualche mese, le scadenze sul regolamento vengono 'sospese', per ridefinirle in base alle decisioni che verranno prese. |
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15th February
Pubblished the regulation of Italian Championship of Boypainting 2020. Click here |
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11th February
Welcome to the website of this new edition, the 15th. If you want to see again the pics and the news from last years, go at the gallery. |
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